As part of the traditional economic model, products that end their life cycle in landfills generate serious environmental problems that affect the land, water and air due to factors including but not limited to the release of greenhouse gases.
This model has led to each person generating 442 kg of waste per year, involving a high environmental cost. Society must therefore make a commitment to urgently readdress appropriate waste recovery to avoid a potential environmental meltdown:
- The rate of circular use of materials in Spain has worsened over time, falling by 3.3 percentage points from 10.4% in 2010 to 7.1% in 2022.
- The overall generation of municipal solid waste is expected to increase from 2.3 billion tonnes in 2023 to 3.8 billion tonnes in 2025.
- A total of 40% of the world’s waste goes to landfill or open burning.
- Activities related to the recycling and recovery of materials account for 1.9% of GDP and 2.3% of employment in Spain.
As the population grows exponentially, the amount of waste generated continues to increase, exacerbating the problem. Therefore, the transition towards more sustainable and circular economic models (e.g. through different uses of waste, such as biofuels, biofertilisers, pet food, etc.) is necessary to reverse environmental damage and ensure a prosperous future, with more investment in R&D, eco-design, innovation and eco-innovation.